The guest room is a fairly large room ideal for followers to stay in. The presidential suite features a master bedroom, a guest room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a recreation room. House (Or picked up in DLC's they will appear on a stand in your Presidential Suite. The Long Haul perk works if you are overloaded. It has two beds, one footlocker, two wardrobes and furniture items inside it. When viewed in the G.E.C.K., the Lucky 38 presidential suite contains 2 suitcases in the master bedroom as well as a liquor cabinet and a gnome in the recreational room. Additionally the player may purchase a workbench, 2 work bench lockers and a second refrigerator. New Vegas: Lucky 38 Presidential Suite Fallout 4: Either Sanctuary or Red Rocket just outside of Sanctuary Fallout 76: none because I'd rather eat raw mirelurk than to play that game again.

The other bed belongs to Arcade, Veronica tends to sleep in your bed. All companions except Rex and Tejada were in the Lucky 38 at the time. Promotional wallpaper The Lucky 38 is an abandoned hotel and casino on the New Vegas Strip in 2281. The Lucky 38 presidential suite is an unlockable player housing located on the 22nd floor of the Lucky 38 casino. At certain times your companions will become drunk (similar to the NCR troops seen on the strip), this can be fixed by giving them a. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. The recreational room houses a pool table, a T.V., and the snow globe stand. FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS GO TO THE LUCKY 38 SUITE By drakeelvin yahoo com version 2012.09.03. The player may purchase the guest wardrobe 1 and guest wardrobe 2 upgrades for this room. Fast travel into the Lucky 38 Suite from almost anywhere Fast travel from the Suite to the Street. The bathroom is a large area to the left of the master bedroom that contains a few toilets and bathtubs. The place has several rooms: Bathroom, Living Room, Kitchen, Entertainment Room, Luxury Bedroom. Companions can be told to wait at the presidential suite by selecting the dialogue option to dismiss them and then confirming that they should meet you at the Lucky 38. , The terminal you use to buy upgrades from can be used to sell items too.

The player may purchase two master wardrobes and two weapon trunks for this room. The upgrade provides an additional wardrobe in the master bedroom. Log in to view your list of favourite games.