This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Crusader Kings II. Since the scripts use CE command assert, you will have issues if you run the table on the wrong game version or when you use the wrong CE. add_martial +/- (#) Add or subtract a character's stewardship. Rend VOTRE FEMME enceinte, met du temps à apparaître, effet buggé si utilisé avec un personnage féminin. Claims come in two varieties, weak and strong. Note that all the features in this cheat engine are inactive by default. The last of these three cheats represent a cluster of different cheats that relate to change in technology through development or theft. Find a list of all title IDs at: Optional - if you don't specify anything here, the claim will be added to your own character. (Peut faire crasher le jeu, sauvegarder avant d'utiliser). Vous donne le titre ET les vassaux qui lui sont liés. (When leading an army there) event 100115 = friendship with self or +10% fertility event 86600 = +1 health event WoL.5221 = +1 Health (infinite) Dog event. This command adds a claim to the title with the specified ID for a character, or for your own character (if you do not specify a character ID). I want to invade the Lord paramoncy of the river lands with house Mudd, does anyone how I could immediately forge a claim on the title? The Shia Caliphate has a title ID of "d_shiite". I used the charid cheat to find out my own id, only problem is I cannot figure out what to put for the territories.

Under the chancellor, I click 'Fabricate Claims,' then click on a county. It can also relate to receiving a military bonus on account of development in the past period. claim: claim This command adds a claim to the title with the specified … This cheat adds 10% patriarch authority to the country with the specified tag. These things that orders can Change votre religion (par exemple, "religon catholic" pour la religion catholique), forcer un personnage à quitter votre cour, reset la console (efface les précédentes opérations). While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. event 20131 = gives you a strong claim on a county when you have your character leading an army there. Some need-to-know terms in order to understand the guide # = A Number, eg 6 = Found using the ‘charinfo’ command and hovering over a characters portrait = Found in the files, for … est édité par Webedia. This instructs my chancellor to search for some excuse as to why I am the county's rightful ruler.